BC Naturopathic Medicine Week 2014
This year’s Naturopathic Medicine Week was May 12-18. Naturopathic Doctors and clinics held special events across British Columbia, including an open house at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in New Westminster, a Health Fair and Speaker Series in Nanaimo, and free seminars and consultations in Vancouver and Abbotsford.
GMO OMG Movie Screenings
This year the BCNA featured 3 screenings of the movie GMO OMG in Richmond, Victoria and Kelowna, with proceeds going to the Family Naturopathic Clinic – a naturopathic teaching clinic providing free care to young low income families.

BCNA Hosts a Government Lunch in Victoria
As part of Naturopathic Medicine Week 2014, BCNA hosted a government lunch in Victoria. Pictured standing, left to right, MLA Richard Lee, MLA Jackie Tegart, MLA Linda Reimer, Dr. Kulwinder Sraw, MLA Simon Gibson, Dr. Deborah Phair, MLA Doug Bing, MLA Jane Thornthwaite. Seated, MLA Linda Larson, MLA Mike Morris receiving a heart rate variability test, and MLA Michelle Stillwell.

Offical Recognition in Kelowna
The mayor of Kelowna officially recognized naturopathic medicine week this year:

Naturopathic Medicine in the House of Commons
“I ask everyone here to recognize Naturopathic Medicine Week.” -Colin Carrie at the House of Commons.
Another successful year, and we are looking forward to Naturopathic Medicine Week in 2015!