Therapeutics Initiative: Bringing Best Evidence to Clinicians

18430 Online from Vancouver BC, Canada

Join us this fall for thought provoking presentations at the half-day virtual Bringing Best Evidence to Clinicians conference featuring internationally renowned expert in cardiac electrophysiology, Dr. John Mandrola. The Therapeutics Initiative faculty will also share their expertise on various important therapeutics issues important to primary care and specialty medicine

Therapeutics Initiative: Bringing Best Evidence to Clinicians


Don't miss this fall's Bringing Best Evidence to Clinicians half-day virtual conference for healthcare providers looking to improve their practice. Our keynote speaker, Julia Belluz, host of “Show Me the Evidence”, a journalist and senior health correspondent for Vox, joins us to examine the science behind major headlines in health and medicine. Julia has covered […]

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Therapeutics Initiative: Bringing Best Evidence to Clinicians

Online Event

Don't miss this fall's Bringing Best Evidence to Clinicians half-day virtual conference for healthcare providers looking to improve their practice. Our keynote speaker, Julia Belluz, host of “Show Me the Evidence”, a journalist and senior health correspondent for Vox, joins us to examine the science behind major headlines in health and medicine. Julia has covered […]

Cost varies. See website for full description