2 Free Events In Nanaimo
Open House, Free Doctor Visits and Blood Type Testing
Come celebrate naturopathic medicine week with Dr. Luterbach, at the Reed Family Wellness Centre on May 8, 2012 for brief complimentary appointments with our naturopathic doctor Dr. Luterbach (15 minutes), as well as blood type testing for those interested.
Have you ever considered consulting with a naturopathic physician? Have you ever wondered what naturopathic medicine is about and how it can help you optimize your health? Now is your chance to bring your questions and meet your local naturopath!
Special Offer
15% di
scount off natural body care products and supplement refills for new and existing patients on May 8th only.Open House 10:00am – 1:00pm
No registration necessary, we will be giving away gifts, providing snacks and having a naturopathic bash!
Call ahead to make your appointment, these complimentary consults are booking up fast: 250-729-7411.
Reed Family Wellness Centre
3-2145 Bowen Road
Nanaimo BC
A Special Event At Oliver Woods Community Center
Learn more about naturopathic medicine and how it can benefit your health and well being at a free special event at Oliver Woods Community Center on May 9, 2012. There will be door prizes, snacks, beverages, and these special guest speakers:
Dr. Clare-Craig: Food As Medicine – Naturopathic Nutrition
Dr. Tonia Winchester: Building Immunity
Dr. Carmen Luterbach: Getting a Good Night Sleep, Naturally
Dr. Stacey Neilson: Stress – Its Impact on Adrenals
Dr. John Yim: Healthy Digestion – The Cornerstone of Good Health
There will also be a question period and an opportunity to speak with each of the doctors.
Door prizes provided by EcoTrend, Beth Hendry-Yim, and Promedics.
Snacks and beverages provided by Island Natural Markets.
Primary Care Providers Caring For Your Health, Naturally!
Time: 6:30 – 9:00pm
Everyone is welcome but preregistration is required: 250-755-1930
Oliver Woods Community Center
600 Oliver Road
Nanaimo, BC
See all events details, including maps when you use the event calendar at the top right of this web page.