Herbal Health Salon in Vancouver – Free Event
Herbal Health Salon
In celebration of Naturopathic Medicine Week, join Dr. Marisa Marciano on Thursday May 10th at YYoga Flow Wellness for an evening of tasting, teaching and enjoying the power of herbal medicine.
In the traditional sense, this salon will be a gathering aimed both “to please and to educate” like-minded participants to increase their knowledge of plant medicines through casual conversation in a fun and relaxing environment.
The study of herbal medicine is both healing and transformative. Though one of mankind’s oldest forms of medicine, it has been experiencing a rebirth due to its limitless life enhancing qualities.
What you will gain from this gathering is an overview of the possibilities of plant medicine, and an appreciation for the many gifts therein.
In addition, participants will:
-Learn the basic principles of medical herbalism and how it can benefit you.
-Taste and sample various herbs in tea, liquid and food form
-Understand the methods for making herbal medicines from home
-Familiarize yourself with herbs which are most useful for a variety of health conditions
May 10, 2012 6:00 – 8:00pm
Space is limited so book soon to reserve your spot!
To register call 604-355-7106
YYoga Flow Wellness
888 Burrard St, Second Floor, Room 4
Vancouver, BC
See all events details, including maps when you use the event calendar at the top right of this web page.