Attend Mold and Toxins: Integrative Strategies & Protocols streaming live online on March 25-27, 2022. Gain detailed information on how the MycoTOX Profile, IgG Food MAP and Glyphosate Test can work for you. As well as learn additional information about markers in the OAT and GPL-TOX. These toxins can cause symptoms of many acute and chronic health disorders.
Focus on the health effects of mold toxin exposure to both the body and brain. Learn about the 11 mycotoxins tested for in our MycoTOX Profile, the many chronic health conditions mycotoxin exposure can cause, and options for removing mycotoxins from the body. Also, learn about many common environmental pollutants from the 173 chemicals tested by our GPL-TOX Profile. Find out how these chemicals can affect our health and what steps can be taken to help detoxify the body. Speakers will review specific patient cases and present the testing and treatment protocols used to help get their patients detoxed from mycotoxins and other non-metal toxicants.
All attendees have the opportunity to earn CME credits. CME can be purchased within 30 days of the conclusion of the workshop. After 30 days, the price for CME is doubled. After 365 days, CME is not available.
Qualified attendees will receive one FREE Organic Acid Test, which is worth more than your conference registration. We hope to see you in March! Download the Printable Schedule.